Dissecting Information On Bilateral Gynecomastia Surgery

By Cynthia Wang

If there is one condition that can hit right through the heart of a man’s ego, that would be gynecomastia, or what we would commonly call as ‘man boobs.’ This is a condition where there is an excessive proliferation of glandular tissue of the breasts. This results to a more feminine form and shape, with some experiencing puffy nipples while others may have a full blown breast enlargement.

Aside from the psychological effect this problem will give you, it also impairs your social life. You may encounter merciless teasing or maybe you’d find yourself overly conscious about your appearance.

So what really causes bilateral gynecomastia? Medical experts point out varied reasons as to why this feminine form develops on male chests. It can be caused by hormonal imbalance (an increase in estrogen compared to testosterone), some chemotherapeutic drugs, prolonged steroid use, liver conditions, dialysis, obesity, recreational drugs such as marijuana, and sometimes just the natural reaction of the body to aging.

Bilateral gynecomastia is what happens when you experience an increase in size for both breasts. In some cases it can also unilateral, wherein it affects only a single breast. But in whatever shape and size your gynecomastia presents itself this will definitely affect how you move and feel about yourself.


To conceal the problem there are a lot of ways men would go for. They can hide themselves in layers of clothing or use compression garments to somehow flatten the area. But this eventually can be very uncomfortable. Others submit themselves to pharmacological treatments with brands such as

Gynexin and Gynexerol. However the downside to this is that it has accompanying side effects and ironically enough one of them is also an increased breast size. So for a more radical treatment, more and more of those suffering from gynecomastia turn to surgical intervention.

With bilateral gynecomastia surgery the degree of the problem will determine the extent of the procedure. For puffy nipples, a small incision may be made at the circular border of the nipple which is the areola.

Usually for this type of problem it is often caused by excessive fatty tissues, therefore these will be excised. In cases where glandular tissue is causing the increased breast size, an incision made underneath the breast will be made in order to excise the tissue. Often in this case, liposuction is also required to suction off the excess fats and to flatten or sculpt the area better.

Although invasive and largely at risk for forming scars, gynecomastia surgery can give you the most dramatic results. With careful post-operative care you will definitely have a better road to recovery devoid of any complications.

It is also good to remember to choose only the best surgeon who can provide you a safe and excellent outcome. Check whether he is board certified and has enough experience, because this largely determines the quality of your treatment.

You also need to change your lifestyle and adapt one that will prevent you from developing gynecomastia yet again. Learn to include proper diet and regular exercise because these are the most basic measures you can do to avoid the problem.

Whether it be unilateral or bilateral gynecomastia, you have a lot of options open for you. It is now your choice which one is the best and which one you think would have the most significant effect. From lifestyle changes to the more aggressive bilateral gynecomastia surgery, the options are there for you to choose.

About the Author:


or ‘man boobs’ may be one of the most humiliating condition that you have to suffer, but with the right knowledge about the condition and the treatments available for you, you will be more in control of the situation. For more extensive information and treatment about gynecomastia you can visit





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